RAC Practice

William Hogarth

Bambridge on Trial for Murder by a Committee of the House of Commons, 1729

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  • 1.
    1. Arbitral Award on Agreed Terms

    A dispute regarding a put option exercise arose between participants of a company. Two participants (Lenders) arranged a conclusion of an agreement with the company, under which it was granted a loan, while the other two participants (Managers) had to prevent the company from going bankrupt. To safeguard their interests, the Lenders entered into a put option contract with the Managers. According to the contract provisions, the Lenders received an irrevocable offer to buy the company’s interest. That offer could be accepted if certain conditions of the option are met. One of the Lenders found these conditions to have been met and accepted the offer. However, the Managers refused to pay for the company’s share, because the Lender allegedly had not confirmed certain events and had not conducted an independent assessment of the interest. After an exchange of documents, the Parties managed to settle the dispute.


    Bevzenko Roman
    Seat of arbitration Russia, Moscow
    Procedure standard
    Applicable rules domestic disputes
    Rules edition 21.01.2019
    Economic sector Financial and insurance activities
    Tags joinder, interest for use of other's means, allocation of costs, allocation of fee
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