
Gerard David

The Judgement of Cambyses, 1498

RAC Premises for Hearings


The RAC office is located in the very center of Moscow, in the vicinity of Polyanka, Novokuznetskaya and Tretyakovskaya metro stations (see Directions)

Our premises for hearings include three rooms: Kamchatka, Baikal and Baltika.

All rooms are outfitted with modern and comfortable furniture and the technical equipment for holding hearings in any format. Videoconferencing is available in each room.

Moreover, the participants of arbitration are also welcome to:

  • Wi-Fi
  • Complimentary coffee/tea
  • Necessary stationery
  • A 55-inch (140 cm) TV set with a camera for videoconferencing
  • Assistance of the Administrative Office in case of urgent issues
  • Other options can be arranged through the Administrative Office

Please send your inquiries on holding hearings in the RAC premises to our email at info@centerarbitr.ru or call +7 (495) 797 94 77

The room has all the equipment necessary to hold hearings as part of arbitration or mediation.

The room has special cabinets for keeping case files for the convenience of the parties and arbitrators.

Simultaneous interpretation can be arranged in the room. A separate room is available for interpreters.

A room for arbitrators is also available with a separate entrance and exit into the room for hearings. The arbitrators’ room has all the necessary technical and functional equipment.

Furniture and equipment may be arranged according to the preferences of the participants of the proceedings.

Technical equipment of the room for hearings and the arbitrators’ room:

  • Motorized projector screen
  • Screen remote control (concealed in the ceiling)
  • Multimedia projector
  • Wireless iOS/Android/MacOS content display adapter (installed into the projector)
  • Ceiling speakers
  • Discussion device with language selector + flexible stem microphone
  • Digital audio platform
  • 4×4 HDMI matrix switch
  • AV-processor
  • Amplifier
  • Unmanaged 16-port switch
  • 2 laptops
  • A 55-inch (140 cm) TV set with a camera for videoconferencing (if necessary)



Technical equipment in the interpreters’ room:

  • Set: interpreter’s switch + flexible stem microphone
  • High quality headphones
  • Central control unit
  • Audio expander


max 3-4


92.3 sq. m. (total area, including the rooms for arbitrators and interpreters)

The room can be used for hearings in an arbitration or mediation with a small number of participants.

The room has special cabinets for keeping case files for the convenience of the parties and arbitrators.

The room can also be used as a separate room for preparation for hearings.

Furniture and equipment may be arranged according to the preferences of the participants of the proceedings.

Technical equipment:

  • Laptop
  • A 55-inch (140 cm) TV set with a camera for videoconferencing (if necessary)




27 sq. m.