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Adolph von Menzel

Counselor reads falsified papers, 1887

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Ad Hoc Arbitration Rules

The Ad Hoc Arbitration Rules can apply to the arbitration of domestic and international disputes between parties that agreed to resolve their disputes by means of ad hoc arbitration in the following three cases:

  • in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, with the RAC performing separate functions for the administration of arbitration, including those of an appointing authority;
  • in accordance with the Ad Hoc Arbitration Rules, with the RAC performing separate functions for the administration of arbitration;
  • in accordance with any other arbitration rules, including those found in the agreement of the parties, should the parties request that the RAC perform separate functions for the administration of arbitration.

If the parties have agreed to resolve their disputes pursuant to the Ad Hoc Arbitration Rules, the RAC shall perform the following functions:

  • constitution of the Arbitral Tribunal, including consideration of challenges of arbitrators;
  • assistance in communications in the case;
  • performance by an employee of the RAC’s Administrative Office of the functions of assistant to the arbitral tribunal;
  • collection of advance payments of arbitrators’ fees, as well as arbitration costs, for subsequent payment to the respective persons;
  • case files management and storage;
  • provision of access to the RAC’s Online System.

The parties can, if they deem it necessary, supplement this set of functions.

When disputes are resolved in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules or other arbitration rules, the RAC shall perform specific functions as requested by the parties. If the parties specify in their arbitration agreement, that the RAC is to perform separate functions for the administration of arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, the RAC shall act as the appointing authority and assist the parties on issues of constitution of the arbitral tribunal and consideration of challenges to arbitrators.

Ad Hoc Arbitration Rules are intended to ensure efficient and transparent conduct of ad hoc arbitral proceedings, as well as to stimulate the development of this type of arbitration in Russia.

Ad Hoc Arbitration Rules are deposited in the Russian Ministry of Justice in compliance with all the requirements of the Russian arbitration legislation (the Order of the Russian Ministry of Justice No 1279-r dated 08 October 2019).