RAC Practice

Edvard Munch

Jurisprudence, 1887

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  • 1.
    1. Arbitral Award on Agreed Terms

    The Claimant appealed to the RAC with a claim for the recovery of debts and penalties under the subcontract agreement. During the proceedings, the Respondent disagreed with the claims and filed a counterclaim for penalties and damages for correcting defects in the works. The parties requested from the Arbitral Tribunal an additional period of time to discuss the possibility of concluding a settlement agreement. The Arbitral Tribunal took the arbitration decision on agreed terms.


    Pettibone Peter
    Seat of arbitration Russia, Moscow
    Procedure standard
    Applicable rules international commercial arbitration
    Rules edition 21.01.2019
    Economic sector Manufacturing
    Tags counterclaims
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