RAC Practice

William Hogarth

Bambridge on Trial for Murder by a Committee of the House of Commons, 1729

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  • 1.
    1. Arbitral Award

    The Claimant submitted a claim to the RAC for recovery of debt and a fine for a delivery delay under the contract. When the RAC managed to contact the Respondent, he claimed that he had never been in legal relations with the Claimant, and the signature and seal in the contract were fake. The Respondent's statements were confirmed by the handwriting examination conducted in accordance with Article 44 of the Arbitration Rules, which was one of the grounds to recognize the contract containing the arbitration clause unconcluded. The Claimant disagreed with the results of the examination, though no reasons for his disagreement were presented. The Arbitral Tribunal concluded it has competence since the Parties exchanged procedural documents during the arbitration. Moreover, the Respondent explicitly stated his preference to defend his interests in the RAC. Since the award was rendered against the Claimant, the Respondent's costs for the protection of his rights in the arbitration, as well as the costs for the examination, are subject to be paid by the Claimant.


    Ischuk Ilya
    Seat of arbitration Russia, Moscow
    Procedure standard
    Applicable rules domestic disputes
    Rules edition 21.01.2019
    Economic sector Manufacturing
    Tags COVID-19, experts, allocation of costs, arbitration extension / suspension, alternative arbitration agreement, competence
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