RAC Practice

William Hogarth

Bambridge on Trial for Murder by a Committee of the House of Commons, 1729

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  • 1.
    1. Arbitral Award

    The law firm filed a claim for the recovery of $70,000 in arrears for legal services rendered to represent the Respondent’s interests in the LCIA. Under the contract, the Claimant’s remuneration was limited to the amount of $25,000, but due to the Defendant’s refusal of the contract, this limitation ceased to apply, according to the Claimant. The Respondent objected to the poor quality of the services provided by the Claimant: failed to challenge the jurisdiction of the LCIA or to suspend the process, proposed an inappropriate expert candidate. Having assessed the arguments of the Parties and the work done by the Claimant, the Arbitral Tribunal disagreed with the Respondent’s arguments, as the Claimant had not promised to achieve certain results in the course of the work and in the Arbitrator’s opinion it was practically impossible to achieve them. However, the Claimant’s claims were satisfied subject to a contractual fee limit, as otherwise the agreement of the Parties would be meaningless and would create legal uncertainty for the Respondent.


    Milner Alexander
    Seat of arbitration Russia, Moscow
    Procedure expedited
    Applicable rules international commercial arbitration
    Rules edition 21.01.2019
    Economic sector Other service activities
    Tags interest for use of other's means
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